The Blog of Bill.

Bill Camarata types to you with musings that might actually mean something to him, and you, too! Jandek reviews. Music He's listening to, and making as well. Technology opinions. Read it because it's there.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Howard Stern, Happy Satellite.

Howard Stern has announced that as of January 1, 2006, he will be exclusively on Sirius Satellite radio. Finally uncensored and away from the confines of the FCC and regular radio broadcasting, this has been announced as the beginning of the end of AM and FM radio as we know it. Uh, I don't think so.

First of all, radio is free. Free, free, free. Everyone has a radio and they're cheap if you don't have one. They're in cars. Home stereos. Walkmans. Table models, under the counter, in the dentist's office, everywhere. Satellite radio is by subscription and you have to pay for every receiver that has it, just like cable or satellite television. So this format has a long way to go before it is really mass market.

Second, there are two satellite providers. Sirius and XM. XM has the advantage of being mostly commercial free and better sound quality. They also, as of this writing, have more subscribers. Sirius has exclusive NFL programming, and now they have Howard Stern. Upon Stern's announcement, Sirius stock went up significantly. Yow! What gwine on heah? There is no denying that this is a major shot in the arm for the number two guy on the block. If I hung out at Best Buy and Circuit City, I would wager that it's a major topic, and how much money can we make here?

Third, is this a bold move on Stern's part, or is it just a response to something else? Opie and Anthony, lewd shock jocks themselves that lost their radio gig over a year ago for being too objectionable on their syndicated afternoon show, have debuted on XM radio, and the news was all over the place about how they are now uncensored and free to do whatever they want on satellite radio. Now Stern is a player. The man is talented and funny, and this is far from his last gasp. He could retire now if he wanted to, so he doesn't need the money.

Lastly, at this point in time, I'm not going to jump on this bandwagon. I don't listen to radio enough to warrant the expense. Beyond AM, beyond FM, beyond my budget. I can, however, sit back and watch the fireworks, and so can you. Have fun. Oh, and we'll see how I feel about this in a year.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

All Hail The Kleptones!

If you are familiar with any of the following; Negativland, John Oswald a/k/a Plunderphonics, The Evolution Control Committee, etc., you MUST check out The Kleptones. I did go out and buy the new Cake, Fatboy Slim and William Shatner/Ben Folds CDs today, but I can't stop listening to The Kleptones' masterpiece, A NIGHT AT THE HIP-HOPERA. In the style of their previous YOSHIMI BATTLES THE HIP-HOP ROBOTS and DJ Dangermouse's THE GREY ALBUM, this is a mash-up of some of Queen's hottest hits and many other artists raps, rhymes, tunes, and full recordings. It's completely non-releasable, so go to their site and use BitTorrent (search for it, it's PC and Mac compliant) to download the music and artwork in a zip file. The only way you can get it is for free, like most mash-up music. I wish I knew a way to send money to The Kleptones to support their efforts. They freakin' rock.
Highlights: Mixing at least four Beastie Boys tunes seamlessly with "I Want To Break Free" and "Radio Ga-Ga", Turning "Bicycle Race" into a laugh fest with Eminem and Ben Stein. Also in there, among others, are ODB, Missy Elliot, Q-Tip, and The Moonites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Download this NOW!

I'll type more this week, because there are a lot of things to talk about, including FahrenHYPE 9/11 on DVD. Oh, and practicing harmonica while driving.