Live-Tweeting The LeBron Announcement: Comic Genius
Hiya Kids.... How ya doin'?
I follow the Sklar Brothers on Twitter. For those of you who don't know, they are twin brother comedians who are also big sports fans, so much so that they frequently guest host The Jim Rome Show.
I don't tweet a lot, but I do follow people's tweets for updates on what's happening. Sometimes the Sklar Brothers have some great stuff, like live-tweeting the most recent Scripps-Howard spelling bee. Hilarious!
But I digress.
Here are some of the tweets offered by Jason and Randy before, during and after last night's record setting "F You" to Cleveland, The LeBron Announcement:
Feel like there's not enough "Lebron to the Timberwolves" talk going on out there right now.
4:31 PM Jul 7th via web
BREAKING: ESPN is reporting that LeBron has signed with ESPN. (Weird because he met with the Oxygen network last night)
9:36 PM Jul 7th via web
Boys and Girls Club kids, contributing a lot to the announcement. They're about as necessary as throwing powder.
about 8 hours ago via web
Could they have gotten an older more rattier gym? Was the gym from Hoosiers taken? The Rucker would have been a step up.
about 8 hours ago via web
As soon as I saw that LeBron's beard didn't connect to his stache, I knew he was going to Miami. That's an old Cuban Jew facial hair move.
about 8 hours ago via web
I don't know what's more boring. The interviewer -- Jim Gray, or where they did it - A grey gym.
about 8 hours ago via web
Delonte West's first question after the decision: LeBron's Mom isn't going to MIami as well, is she?
about 6 hours ago via web
Re-watched LeBron interview. 2 things: was JIm Grey mic'ed? & how much rouge was he wearing? According to JG's cheeks it was -6 in there.
about 6 hours ago via web
Feel like the crowd at the gym for the interview couldn't have been quieter or more casually dressed than if they were at Lilith Fair show
about 6 hours ago via web
Good move not going to Chicago, because LeBron doesn't have to fill Michael Jordan's shoes now. He just has to fill Harold Minors'.
about 5 hours ago via web
It was so quiet in that LeBron interview gym that you could actually hear Jim's hair, greying.
about 5 hours ago via web
And in one fell swoop, there went Larry Czonka's standing table reservation in the pool at the Delano. LeBron, ye hath done it again!
about 5 hours ago via web
LeBron better LeBring it or he's gonna look like a LeBridiot.
about 5 hours ago via web
Between claiming LeBron quit in the playoffs & planning next season's Get to Know Anderson Varajao Night, Cavs owner Dan Gilbert is a busy man.
about 5 hours ago via web
And finally, tweeted most recently:
Just listened to the Amare Stoudemire to the Knicks, announcement on a ham radio.
about 5 hours ago via web
I follow the Sklar Brothers on Twitter. For those of you who don't know, they are twin brother comedians who are also big sports fans, so much so that they frequently guest host The Jim Rome Show.
I don't tweet a lot, but I do follow people's tweets for updates on what's happening. Sometimes the Sklar Brothers have some great stuff, like live-tweeting the most recent Scripps-Howard spelling bee. Hilarious!
But I digress.
Here are some of the tweets offered by Jason and Randy before, during and after last night's record setting "F You" to Cleveland, The LeBron Announcement:
Feel like there's not enough "Lebron to the Timberwolves" talk going on out there right now.
4:31 PM Jul 7th via web
BREAKING: ESPN is reporting that LeBron has signed with ESPN. (Weird because he met with the Oxygen network last night)
9:36 PM Jul 7th via web
Boys and Girls Club kids, contributing a lot to the announcement. They're about as necessary as throwing powder.
about 8 hours ago via web
Could they have gotten an older more rattier gym? Was the gym from Hoosiers taken? The Rucker would have been a step up.
about 8 hours ago via web
As soon as I saw that LeBron's beard didn't connect to his stache, I knew he was going to Miami. That's an old Cuban Jew facial hair move.
about 8 hours ago via web
I don't know what's more boring. The interviewer -- Jim Gray, or where they did it - A grey gym.
about 8 hours ago via web
Delonte West's first question after the decision: LeBron's Mom isn't going to MIami as well, is she?
about 6 hours ago via web
Re-watched LeBron interview. 2 things: was JIm Grey mic'ed? & how much rouge was he wearing? According to JG's cheeks it was -6 in there.
about 6 hours ago via web
Feel like the crowd at the gym for the interview couldn't have been quieter or more casually dressed than if they were at Lilith Fair show
about 6 hours ago via web
Good move not going to Chicago, because LeBron doesn't have to fill Michael Jordan's shoes now. He just has to fill Harold Minors'.
about 5 hours ago via web
It was so quiet in that LeBron interview gym that you could actually hear Jim's hair, greying.
about 5 hours ago via web
And in one fell swoop, there went Larry Czonka's standing table reservation in the pool at the Delano. LeBron, ye hath done it again!
about 5 hours ago via web
LeBron better LeBring it or he's gonna look like a LeBridiot.
about 5 hours ago via web
Between claiming LeBron quit in the playoffs & planning next season's Get to Know Anderson Varajao Night, Cavs owner Dan Gilbert is a busy man.
about 5 hours ago via web
And finally, tweeted most recently:
Just listened to the Amare Stoudemire to the Knicks, announcement on a ham radio.
about 5 hours ago via web